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—— 可持续建筑环境——理论学习


After a week of study tour around the UK, we returned to the University of Reading in the UK and started the second phase of this study tour – learning the latest sustainable architecture concepts. We know that building energy efficiency is a hot topic in the world. Whether it is in many large international conferences or in some construction companies, this is a topic that cannot be circumvented. Let us join the British Study Group and walk into the world of sustainable architecture.


第一天,姚润明教授为我们介绍了关于可持续建筑环境的三大主要因素以及英国的教学方式与中国教学方式的不同。同时邀请了Derek Clements-Croome教授进行《21世纪的宜居建筑》的讲座。

On the first day, Professor Yao Runming introduced us to the three main factors of the sustainable building environment and the differences between the teaching methods in the UK and the Chinese teaching methods. At the same time, Professor Derek Clements-Croome was invited to give a lecture on "The 21st Century Livable Architecture".



In the lecture, the professor introduced the inspiration from the history and nature to the control of indoor environment temperature and humidity. At the same time, emphasizing sustainable design will increase the value of the design itself, which is also in line with the sustainable development path we often emphasize. The professor showed us some of the future livable architectural plans through the virtual design drawings, let us appreciate the charm of ultra-avant-garde design.



Later, in order to deepen our understanding of the concept of sustainable architectural design, we came to the British Architectural Research Institute Group, the British Institute of Architecture to display the residential houses. In general, it reflects the concept of sustainable architecture, and there are many designs for green energy conservation. Common settings include insulated wall panels, natural ventilation systems, new green materials, photovoltaic roofs, renewable energy heating systems and indoor water circulation systems (which can utilize domestic wastewater and air conditioning condensate). At present, there are similar technologies in China, but the scope of application and commercialization should be limited.



In Bristol, members of the study tour group felt the importance of water resources recycling in sustainable buildings, and also had a certain understanding of scientific research methods. They had their own knowledge of water body indicators, water quality assessment, and project operation experience. the opinion of.



In Cambridge, we learned about building room temperature control. The professor introduced the attempts made by humans to control indoor temperature since ancient times and some research results, and we are shouldering the heavy responsibility of China's future research on the construction environment. We should study hard and not commit European countries in the construction field. The next error.



Through the example of the Water Cube, the professor deeply understands that the overall effect is greater than the sum of the parts, and constantly guides us through the problem, let us understand what is the system and what is the system thinking. Later, in order to deepen our understanding of system thinking, the professor asked us to use systematic thinking to imagine what kind of city Chongqing is in the future and express it through a brush. The students combined with the teachings in the teaching course to boldly imagine and express their ideas to the professor.


From a multi-level perspective, the Ph.D. describes the definition of system innovation, innovation and green innovation in the built environment, case studies of MLP, and teamwork on LED technology. Among them, the Ph.D. raised the question: Whether the sustainability of the environment, society, and economy can be truly combined to achieve true sustainable development and sparked heated discussion among students. The doctor gave a vivid and in-depth explanation, and the students also had a certain understanding of the concept of green innovation.



Ms. Ziona is a sociology student, so she is more focused on the experience of the residents than the architects and engineers who are born in the building. She cuts through the experience of the building and tells us that when designing or building, it should be  d on the function of the building, the surrounding environment of the building, serving the city, serving the local people, and also taking into account the appropriate design. The purpose is to be limited. Play the most important role in the space and balance the beauty.


Mehdi Shehrestani博士,与同学们一起探讨建筑设计过程中室内光线设计问题。他提到“建筑设计过程中不能单纯考虑节能的问题,还要综合考量建筑的功能,建筑周围环境等因素。此外,他还简单的介绍了DIAL仿真软件并鼓励同学们自己动手,根据博士的提示及要求,对于一栋拟建的简单办公室进行仿真。

Dr. Mehdi Shehrestani, with the students, discussed the interior lighting design issues in the architectural design process. He mentioned that “the problem of energy conservation cannot be simply considered in the process of building design, but also the functions of the building and the surrounding environment of the building should be comprehensively considered. In addition, he also briefly introduced the DIAL simulation software and encouraged the students to do it themselves, according to the doctor. Tips and requirements for simulation of a proposed simple office.