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时间 : 2017年01月09日 10时00分

地点 : A区综合楼607

主办单位 : 重庆大学工程学部

协办单位 : 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院

Exploring the effects of specific alloying elements on the production, extrusion and properties of 6xxx series aluminium alloys

主讲人 : Prof. Malcolm James COUPER

The optimisation of 6xxx series aluminium alloy compositions has evolved via empirical studies of heat-treated properties, followed by investigations into the effect of homogenisation on extrudability and properties. This optimisation has also been influenced by the imperatives of cost, market competition and certification. To illustrate the inherent trade-off between productivity and properties, some examples will be selected from the major elements Mg, Si and Cu, minor elements Fe, Mn and Cr and trace elements Na, Ti, etc in 6xxx series alloys. The development of advanced microscopy and modelling techniques has led to resurgence in attempts to further improve aluminium alloys. Some comments will be made on the future development of 6xxx alloys.


Prof. Couper is currently based in Materials Science & Engineering at Monash University in Australia. After completing a Ph.D. at Monash, he worked within industry R&D with Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) and Rio Tinto Aluminium (formerly Comalco), covering many aspects of aluminium production processes, products and manufacturing. Other activities during this time included Technical Advisor to the Collaborative Research Centre, CAST (1993-2012); Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland (2001-12) and past-director and president of the Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia. He returned to Monash as research coordinator for the Centre of Excellence in Design of Light Metals, Australia (2010-11) and undertakes some teaching at Monash and CSU. Research interests have included rapid solidification and powder metallurgy; fatigue properties; metal matrix composites; foundry castings processes and heat-treatment; wrought alloy development; microstructural characterization, properties and alloy design.


Malcolm James Couper教授是高性能铝合金领域的国际知名专家,在世界500强企业力拓集团加拿大铝业分公司工作20年,担任研究总监、首席顾问(材料)、首席技术专家等职务,具有领导团队、主持多项大型科研项目的经验,在高性能铝合金研发及科技成果的工业化转化方面拥有丰富经验。此外,他还曾任澳大利亚材料协会会长、澳大利亚国家轻合金中心高级研究主管,并在澳大利亚莫纳什大学及中国中南大学等多所国内外知名高校授课。

作者 : 工程学部

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