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工程科学前沿讲坛:加拿大麦吉尔大学Stephen Yue教授学术报告会

时间 : 2017年07月15日 10时00分

地点 : A区综合实验楼319室

主办单位 : 工程学部

协办单位 : 材料科学与工程学院

The Thermomechanical Processing of Mg Alloys

主讲人 : Prof. Stephen Yue

Alloying additions of Nd to Mg are known to, at least, weaken the basal texture of the as worked alloy and, at best, lead to a non-basal texture. It is clear that texture weakening improves formability, but it is difficult to quantify the effect of texture weakening on formability. In a project conducted within the MagNet - NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Council) Canadian Strategic network, a car door was successfully warm formed from ZEK sheet under conditions at which an AZ31 sheet could not be utilised. The effect of warm forming on the microstructure and texture of the ZEK is examined in order to gain insight into the mechanisms that have improved the formability compared to AZ31. At the same time, alloy variants of ZEK,  d on reducing Nd levels and eliminating Zr, have been designed and the hot deformation behaviour characterized. The goal of the alloy design work is to create alloys which have similar sheet characteristics of ‘conventional’ ZEK, assuming that this will lead to similar warm formability characteristics.


Prof. Stephen Yue is the Director of McGill Institute of Aerospace Engineering; former Chairman of the Department of Mining,  ls and Materials Engineering, McGill University. He received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in  llurgy from University of Leeds, England in 1973 and 1979. He is the Memberships of  llurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining and  llurgy (CIMM), Iron and Steel Society of the American Institute of Mining and  llurgical Engineers (ISS - AIME) and American Society of Materials (ASM). He won many awards, including the ASMCC G. Macdonald Young award, Lorne Trottier Chair of Aerospace Engineering in 2009, James McGill Professor in 2007. Prof. Stephen Yue has extensive experiences in high temperature deformation of  ls and microstructure evolution, and is the author of more than 200 technical papers on thermomechanical processing of  ls.

Stephen Yue教授是麦吉尔大学航空航天工程中心主任,曾任冶金与材料工程系系主任,是加拿大采矿与冶金学会会员、美国采矿与冶金工程师研究院钢铁学会会员、美国材料学会会员,发表高水平论文200余篇,荣获麦克唐纳德青年奖(Macdonald Young award)、航空航天Lorne Trottier主席(Lorne Trottier Chair)、麦吉尔James荣誉教授(James McGill Professor)等学术奖励,是金属热加工与微结构调控方面的国际知名专家。

麦吉尔大学(McGill University),始建于1821年,是加拿大最古老的高等学府,在国际上享有盛誉,被誉为“加拿大哈佛”,2016-2017年QS排名第30位。

作者 : 工程学部

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