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剑桥大学Ekhard Salje院士学术讲座

时间 : 2017年10月18日 10时00分

地点 : A区主教学楼504

主办单位 : 工程学部

协办单位 : 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室

crackling noise

主讲人 : Ekhard Salje

The concept of crackling noise has been around for a long time. It refers to the jerky response of many systems to a slowly changing driving force or field. For example, a piece of paper crackles when it is slowly crumpled. Similarly, magnetic materials magnetize via jumps in the magnetization that span a wide range of sizes. These jumps were originally observed as crackling Barkhausen noise. Other fields that show crackling noises include slowly sheared granular materials, slowly compressed and collapsing porous materials, plastically deformed small crystals, changes in the coexistence interval of stepwise structural phase transitions, transitions in Mott insulators, neuronal networks, and decision-making processes as well as many others. Materials applications focused initially on martensitic alloys, magnetic materials (for nondestructive materials testing), geophysical applications in earthquakes, the prediction of collapses of mine shafts, breaking of porous building materials, etc.


Ekhard K.H. Salje 教授,剑桥大学地球科学系教授,地球科学系前系主任,剑桥大学克莱尔学院前院长,国际著名的材料科学家、凝聚态物理学家及矿物学家。已在Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials等国际期刊上发表论文500余篇,SCI他引1万余次,H因子65。1994年获得矿物学家最高荣誉奖Abraham-Gottlob-Werner奖;1998年获得Schlumberger奖; 2002年获得汉堡大学金奖;2004年获得由法国总统颁发的Chevlier dans I'ORDER des Palmes Academiques奖;2006年获得应用矿物领域的最高奖之一Agricola 奖;同年获得德国功勋奖章一等奖(奖励对德国作出杰出贡献的人员,他由于在国家大学改革中的贡献而获奖)。

作者 : 工程学部

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