时间 : 2025年3月10日 11时00分
地点 : A校区综合实验大楼319会议室
Local Structure Study of Lithium-ion Battery Electrodes Using Pair Distribution Function
主讲人 : 花枭 博士
Binary l fluoride cathodes and oxide anodes are desirable electrode candidates for future lithium-ion battery technologies. However, upon cycling, these electrode materials undergo phase heterogeneous reactions, involving intermediates that are either amorphous or with structural defects. These structural complexities render the characterization of these systems using conventional techniques difficult. To combat this challenge, I will present a methodology that centers on the pair distribution function (PDF) technique in combination with a modern big data approach. This methodology allows for multiphase deconvolution in the absence of any prior knowledge of the battery chemistry and is hence ideal to study complex electrochemical phase evolutions. The result of this study showed new mechanistic insights into these electrode materials that challenge our common understanding, helping to direct future efforts towards better material design for improved device performances. The methodology developed here also offers promising prospects in fields beyond energy storage.
花枭博士目前是英国兰卡斯特大学Lecturer。他于2008年获得复旦大学学士学位,硕士就读于美国纽约州立大学石溪分校,他在剑桥大学的Dame Clare Grey 教授的指导下获得了关于新型电池电极材料的博士学位。随后,他加入了Adolphe Merkle研究所Ullrich Steiner 教授和谢菲尔德大学的Serena Cussen教授的研究小组,进行电极材料合成和先进表征的博士后研究。他获得了玛丽·居里奖学金,与牛津大学的Andrew Goodwin 教授和Peter Bruce爵士教授(FRS)合作。花博士的研究重点是阐明复杂结构在关键能源材料功能响应中的作用。他的研究成果已发表在多个高水平的同行评审期刊上,包括Nat Mater.、Nat.Commun.和JACS等。

作者 : 工程学部