时间 : 2023年3月28日 14时30分
地点 : 线下:电气工程学院6119;线上:腾讯会议:862-833-985
Digitalization – a Revolution Leading to Low-Carbon Economies
主讲人 : Vladimir Terzija教授
The 4th Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0, is significantly changing the shape of processes in the 21st century, particularly those related to technology, industry and society. Through introduction of smart technologies, doors for designing and implementing smart solutions contributing to security, dependability, flexibility and resilience of modern energy systems, are opened. They are considered as one of the most important factors leading to low-carbon economies. Newly designed “digital substations” are enabling rapid and efficient transfer of information from the actual electricity network to hierarchically higher centers in which information is processed. Through application of data science- d solutions, integration of renewable energy sources is maximized, different energy vectors are integrated into single multi-energy systems, optimizing processes, making them more efficient and contributing to confident transformation of existing energy systems to a sustainable and low carbon systems. The abovementioned issues will be discussed from the new technology perspective, its impact to new solutions and its expected benefits. Some representative practical examples will be presented, too.
Vladimir Terzija received the Dipl-Ing., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. Currently he is a Director of company MANENERGY ASSOCIATES LIMITED and a Professor of Energy Systems & Networks at the Newcastle University, UK. He is also a Distinguished Professor at Shandong University, China, as well as a Gest Professor at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. In the past, he has been with the University of Belgrade (Serbia), ABB (Germany), The University of Manchester (UK) and Skoltech (Russian Federation). His research interests include smart grid applications; WAMPAC; power system protection; transient processes; data analytics and digital signal processing applications in power systems. Prof. Terzija is Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Fellow of IEEE and the recipient of the National Friendship Award (China).

作者 : 电气工程学院