英国布鲁奈尔大学Zhongyun Fan教授学术讲座
时间 : 2023年7月26日 15时00分
地点 : A校区综合实验楼319会议室
A Global Renaissance of Metallurgy: The Birth of Metallurgy 2.0
主讲人 : Prof. Zhongyun Fan
Historically, the discovery, development and application of ls have set the pace for the evolution of human civilisation. Today, ls are the backbone of global manufacturing and the fuel for economic growth. However, extraction and processing of ls are highly energy intensive and cause severe environmental damage: l extraction accounts for 15% of global primary energy demand and 12% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The global grand challenge is to decouple economic growth from environmental damage. The worldwide sustainability crisis has led to a complete rethink of how we source, formulate and deploy llic materials in the future, triggering a global renaissance of llurgy and giving birth to llurgy 2.0. In this context, we have developed a vision for full l circulation (FMC), under which the global demand for llic materials will be met by a full circulation of secondary ls without the need for either mining or l extraction. From a systems point of view, FMC can be delivered holistically through three effective approaches that correspond to 3 distinct research areas: (1) Closing the loop through liquid l engineering; (2) Narrowing the loop by developing high performance and highly resilient llic materials; and (3) Slowing down the loop by developing a unique l health service (MHS) to extend the service life of llic components. These research areas form the essence for sustainable llurgy, denoted as llurgy 2.0, which is characterised by secondary ls (no more mining and l extraction), multi-principle-element (MPE) alloys, generic longevity through liquid l engineering, long component service life through the MHS. These directly contrast with conventional llurgy (denoted as llurgy 1.0), which is characterised by mining and l extraction, primary ls, single-principle-element (SPE) alloys, short component lifetime. In this talk, I will cover the following topics with specific examples:
· Sustainability crisis from l’s perspective.
· The Concept of Full l Circulation.
· Liquid l engineering to close the loop.
· Developing high performance and highly resilient alloys to narrow the loop.
· Developing the l health service (MHS) to slow down the loop.
Zhongyun Fan is a professor of llurgy, the founder and current Director of BCAST (Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Techology) at Brunel University London. He is the principal investigator/director of the EPSRC funded LiME Research Hub, a national centre of excellence in liquid l engineering. He is also the principal investigator for the UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Circular ls. He has published over 400 scientific papers with an H-Index of 59 and a total citation of 14103 (Google Scholar). He has led a wide range of research projects as principal investigator with grants totalling over £70M. He chaired 6 major international conferences. He was the co-chairmen of the Casting and Solidification Society (IOM3, 2012-2018), is a Board Member of the Light ls Division (IOM3), a Fellow of IOM3 and the Institute of Cast l Engineers (ICME). He was the recipient of the Elegant Work Prize (1995), the Cook/Ablett Award (2003) and Dowding Medal and Prize (2012) of IOM3. Fan’s research has been focused on (1) understanding of early stages of solidification covering prenucleation, heterogeneous nucleation, Grain initiation and Grain refinement; (2) developing high performance llic materials for closed-loop recycling; and (3) developing innovative techniques for extending the service life of llic materials.

作者 : 工程学部