澳大利亚国立大学Siva Karuturi博士学术讲座
时间 : 2024年9月6日 16时00分
地点 : A校区主教学楼320会议室
主办单位 : 国际合作与交流处
The Potential of Green Hydrogen for a Net-Zero Society
主讲人 : Siva Karuturi 副教授
Solar energy has the greatest potential to replace fossil fuels among all carbon-free energy sources. Given that electricity only accounts for 30% of global energy consumption, breakthroughs in renewable energy storage and transportation are needed to accomplish the transition to renewable energy, along with the development of a supply chain for renewable energy exports. The chemical bonds present in chemical fuels provide one of the densest ways to store energy. For example, energy density of hydrogen fuel is 100 times higher than that of the best Li-ion battery. Hydrogen generated from solar-driven water splitting has the potential to provide clean, sustainable, abundant, and transportable energy.
In this talk, the speaker will first present on the potential of hydrogen to support our transition to a net-zero society. Following this, I will briefly introduce our research on hydrogen production aimed at reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency of electrocatalytic production systems.
In the second part of the talk, the speaker will introduce opportunities to study Master degrees in Engineering at the Australian National University and outline the entry requirements and credit that may be eligible for.
Siva Karuturi 博士是澳大利亚国立大学工程学院的副教授,担任国际学生招生和合作伙伴关系副主任。他领导的研究小组是氢气先进转换技术(ACT-H2),该小组进行转化研究,开发用于氢气生产的先进电化学技术。他的研究兴趣主要在材料合成和设备制造领域,拥有在电解、电极工程和设计集成电化学系统以产生氢气方面的广泛经验。
作者 : 国际处(港澳台办)