时间 : 2023年4月27日 09时00分
地点 : 腾讯会议:983-946-754
Microgrids Overview
主讲人 : Claudio Canizares教授
ABSTRACT: There is nowadays a rapid development and deployment of microgrids in the context of smart and resilient power networks, in good part motivated by the need to integrate distributed generation, especially if powered by renewable resources such as wind and solar, to reduce operational costs and the environmental impact of these grids, particularly for diesel-depended isolated microgrids. The presentation will provide a general overview of microgrids and the research work being carried out by Prof. Canizares’ group at the University of Waterloo on the area, including a summary of a survey carried out by the group on remote microgrids in Canada, and several practical examples focusing on dispatch, control, stability, and optimal planning. In particular, the following subjects will be discussed in some detail: Energy Management Systems (EMS) considering renewable power uncertainty; voltage and frequency control including electrical and thermal energy storage for microgrids with high penetration of variable renewable power; stability definitions, modeling, simulation, and analysis; optimal placement and sizing of renewable power equipment for minimization of costs and diesel use, considering secure system operation; and dc microgrid EMS and power flows.
Biography: Dr. Claudio Cañizares is a University Professor and the Hydro One Endowed Chair at the Electrical and Computer Engineering (E&CE) Department, and the Executive Director of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE) at the University of Waterloo. His research activities focus on the study of stability, control, optimization, modeling, simulation, and computational issues in bulk power systems, microgrids, and energy systems in the context of competitive energy markets, smart grids, and energy access. He has authored/co-authored over 370 publications that have exceeded 29,000 citations at a 77 H-index. He is the Editor-In-Chief of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (IEEE) Transactions on Smart Grid; the 2022-2023 IEEE Division VII Director of the IEEE and Power & Energy Society (PES) Boards; and a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, where he was the Director of the Applied Science and Engineering Division of the Academy of Science from 2017 to 2020. He is also the recipient of the 2017 IEEE PES Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award, the 2016 IEEE Canada Electric Power Medal, and of multiple IEEE PES Technical Council and Committee awards and recognitions, holding leadership positions in several IEEE-PES Committees, Working Groups, and Task Forces.

作者 : 电气工程学院