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澳大利亚La Trobe University土木工程系主任Hossam Abuel Naga副教授受聘重庆大学兼职教授

日期 : 2017-12-18
2017年12月18日上午,重庆大学聘任澳大利亚La Trobe University土木工程系主任Hossam Abuel Naga副教授为土木工程学院兼职教授。聘任仪式在重庆大学土木工程学院建工馆3楼学术报告厅举行。

2017年12月18日上午,重庆大学聘任澳大利亚La Trobe University土木工程系主任Hossam Abuel Naga副教授为土木工程学院兼职教授。聘任仪式在重庆大学土木工程学院建工馆3楼学术报告厅举行。重庆大学副校长刘汉龙教授、土木工程学院华建民书记、副院长谢强教授、岩土工程研究所所长刘新荣教授、以及岩土所其他老师等领导和专家出席了会议。



聘任仪式由仉文岗教授主持,仉教授致辞欢迎各位嘉宾的到来。刘校长回顾了与澳大利亚La Trobe University的合作渊源,希望通过国际合作提升重庆大学国际影响力,为建设一流大学打下基础,并为Hossam Abuel Naga副教授了颁发兼职教授聘书。



随后Hossam Abuel Naga副教授发表了就职演讲,他感谢重庆大学及土木工程学院对自己的信任,为能参与重庆大学岩土学科的建设感到荣幸。并表示在今后的工作中将进一步加强与重庆大学土木工程学院师生的合作。



聘任仪式结束后,Hossam Abuel Naga副教授作了题为“Soli mechanics challenges in seasonally frozen groud regions”的学术报告,并与在座同学进行了交流和讨论。


Hossam Abuel-Naga is appointed as Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at La Trobe University. Previously, he was Senior Lecturer and Leader of Geo-Engineering at The University of Manchester, Senior lecturer at The University of Auckland, and Research fellow at Monash University.  

Hossam has over 20 years experience in geotechnical engineering, specialising in soil behaviour under multi-physical coupled processes. Modelling and measurement methods of this behaviour are gaining acceptance as evidenced by the rapid expansion of this field. Applications of this research area include nuclear waste disposal technology, methane hydrate mining technique, energy foundations, ground improvement, landfill lining system, and more.

Hossam’s research portfolio includes around 70 technical publications and has supervised several research students. Hossam’s thermo-mechanical model of saturated soils published in Canadian Geotechnical Journal (2007) is internationally recognized as one of the advanced models in this field. Furthermore, Hossam’s journal paper in Geotextiles and Geomembranes journal (2008) was selected as one of the best five papers published in this journal of this year. During the last five years, in collaboration with GNS and NIWA, which are the largest crown research institutes in New Zealand, Hossam was a part of over NZD$ 1.0 million research grants.

Hossam serves as a Reviewer/Panellist for several Research Funding Agencies including, National Science Foundation-USA, Australian Research Council, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Qatar National Research Fund, and HiCi, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, he is on the Editorial Panel of four technical civil engineering journals.