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美国工程院院士、国际风工程学会现任主席Ahsan Kareem教授受聘重庆大学客座教授

日期 : 2017-10-16
2017年10月16日下午,重庆大学聘任美国工程院院士、国际风工程学会现任主席Ahsan Kareem教授为土木工程学院客座教授。

2017年10月16日下午,重庆大学聘任美国工程院院士、国际风工程学会现任主席Ahsan Kareem教授为土木工程学院客座教授。聘任仪式在重庆大学土木工程学院建工馆2楼学术报告厅举行。重庆大学副校长刘汉龙、重庆大学土木学院院长杨庆山、重庆大学教授田村幸雄、加拿大工程院院士Theodore Stathopoulos教授、美国工程院院士Kishor Metha、美国德州理工大学陈新中教授等领导和专家出席了会议。


聘任仪式由重庆大学土木工程学院院长杨庆山主持,杨院长首先致辞欢迎各位嘉宾的到来,回顾了与Ahsan Kareem教授之间的友谊和过去的交流与合作,并祝贺Ahsan Kareem教授受聘重庆大学土木工程学院客座教授。刘校长对Ahsan Kareem教授与我校过去的合作与交流表示感谢,希望未来能一起为我校的建设共同努力,并为Ahsan Kareem教授了颁发客座教授聘书。


Ahsan Kareem教授发表了就职演讲,他感谢重庆大学及土木工程学院对自己的信任,讲述了与重庆大学土木工程学院的渊源。并表示在今后的工作中将进一步加强与重庆大学土木工程学院师生的合作。

聘任仪式结束后,Ahsan Kareem教授作了题为“Numerical simulation of wind effect”和“New  work for wind load effects on structures: Non-synoptic winds”的学术报告。



Ahsan Kareem is the Robert M. Moran Professor of Engineering and the Director of the NatHaz Modeling Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame.  He is elected President of the International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE). He has been awarded numerous honors, including the Presidential Young Investigator Award from the White House Office of Science and Technology. A recipient of ASCE’s: Masanobu Shinozuka Medal, Theodore von Karman Medal, James Croes Medal, Robert H. Scanlan Medal and Jack E. Cermak Medal and State-of-the-Art Award, inducted to the Offshore Technology Conference Hall of Fame and Distinguished Member of ASCE; Alan G. Davenport Medal of IAWE; Distinguished Research Award of IASSAR (Int’l Assoc. for Structural. Safety and Reliability); the University of Notre Dame. He has served as a High-End Foreign Expert at Tongji University and delivered 2013 Scruton Lecturer at the Institute of Civil Engineers, London, UK. He has been appointed Honorary Professor at several universities overseas, serves on the Editorial Board of several international journals including Engineering by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and has recently co-authored two books. He is an elected Member of the US National Academy of Engineering and a Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering.